Consumer Disclosure Information

Consumer Disclosure Information

2008年的《十大网赌平台推荐》要求大学向在校学生和未来的学生提供有关每个机构学术十大网赌平台推荐的基本信息, retention rates, graduation rates, crime reports, financial aid procedures, and more to better inform higher education consumers.

《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》保护消费者了解各院校学生服务重要情况的权利, student success metrics, campus safety and security, the cost to attend, 以及在选择学院和大学时做出充分知情选择所需的其他信息.

It is the College’s hope, 这些信息的集中使未来的学生更容易找到, enrolled students, 他们的家人也可以获得他们需要的信息来做出最好的决定.

有关南新月技术学院的更多信息以及与其他高等教育机构的比较, please see the College Navigator website maintained by the U.S. Department of Education. This site contains useful information about more than 7,在美国有1000所高等学府, including Southern Crescent Technical College.


In compliance with federal regulations, beginning July 1, 2024, 十大网赌平台推荐将不再扣留欠学院余额的学生成绩单. 有结余的学生现在可以拿到正式成绩单,进入其他高等院校或就业. 有关更多信息,请查看以下链接:教育署发布财务责任和成绩单扣缴新规则(nacubo).org).


而南新月技术学院不需要接种疫苗或免疫记录入学, 某些课程入学后需要提供某些疫苗接种证明和免疫记录, 学生将在哪里进行儿童保育或医疗机构的临床实习.

Visit Federal Disclosure Requirements for detailed disclosure requirements.

Southern Crescent Technical College – Accreditation

General Financial Aid Information

Federal Student Aid Programs

State Financial Aid Programs

Financial Aid for Study Abroad

  • 十大网赌平台推荐 does not currently offer Study Abroad programs.


Financial Aid Policy and Procedures

Billing and Student Accounts


Registrar’s Office 

In compliance with federal regulations, beginning July 1, 2024, 十大网赌平台推荐将不再扣留欠学院余额的学生成绩单. 有结余的学生现在可以收到正式成绩单,进入其他高等院校或就业. 有关更多资料,请参阅以下连结:  教育署公布财务责任和成绩单扣缴新规则.org).

Admissions Office

Career and Academic Placement (CAP)

Student Support Services

Campus Police and Public Safety

Campus Library

Veteran Services

我们强烈鼓励退伍军人学生及其家属申请经济援助.  退伍军人学生可以获得经济援助(如果符合条件)以及他们的退伍军人教育福利! Contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance.


State Licensure Disclosure

联邦法规要求大学披露有关其职业十大网赌平台推荐的信息,这些十大网赌平台推荐需要获得州执照才能受雇, 以及满足各州执照要求的十大网赌平台推荐状态. 确定一个程序是否符合州许可要求, locate the program of choice, 并查看您所在州的程序状态. 如果您所在的州没有出现在“十大网赌平台推荐符合许可证要求的州”字段中, 那么我们就不能保证这个学习十大网赌平台推荐能够让你在你所在的州获得国家职业执照.

十大网赌平台推荐 Equal Opportunity Statement

乔治亚州技术学院系统及其组成的技术学院不基于种族歧视, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, 军人配偶或公民身份(法律允许或规定的特殊情况除外). 这项非歧视政策涵盖了所有技术学院管理的课程, 联邦政府资助的十大网赌平台推荐,包括《十大网赌平台推荐》(WIOA)第一章资助的十大网赌平台推荐, educational programs and activities, including admissions, scholarships and loans, student life, and athletics. 它还包括人员的征聘和雇用以及货物和服务的承包. 乔治亚州技术学院系统和技术学院应通过积极的持续的具体实践计划来促进机会平等的实现,以确保机会平等的充分实现.


Eben Risper,

Assistant Director of Student Support Services Special Populations
Title IX/Equity Coordinator
Telephone number: 770-228-7382

Teresa Brooks,

Special Services Coordinator/Sign Language Interpreter Disabilities
ADA/504 Coordinator
Telephone number: 770-228-7258

Mary Jackson,

Special Services Coordinator
Special Populations and Disabilities
Title IX/Equity and ADA/504 Coordinator
Telephone number: 706-646-6224

Employee Complaints:
Beth Burns,

Human Resources, Director
501 Varsity Rd
Building 100 - Human Resources
Griffin, GA 30223

Dr. Xenia Johns,

Vice President, Student Affairs
501 Varsity Rd
Building 200 - Room 115
Griffin, GA 30223